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‘Tikkun Olam Makers’ turn technology into solutions for people with disabilities
5 Things not to Miss at the 2017 Ruderman Inclusion Summit
A city accessible to all” in Shoham – the graduation project
Accessable Travel Guide (in Hebrew)
Accessibility training at Gila School in Jerusalem
Affordable Housing
Aging with Disabilities
ASD Guide (in Hebrew)
Ask Big Questions
Assessing Municipal Accessibility 2019 (in Hebrew)
Assessing Municipal Accessibility 2020 (in Hebrew)
Battling Disabilities Stigmas in Israel
Being a Student
Being a Student
Bennett to expand inclusion of disabled in youth movements
Beyond February: the new urgency of disabilities awareness and inclusion
BRYT Notes: Changing school culture to support student mental health
Close to a million people of working age in Israel have disabilities, says JDC report
Conclusions from the Municipal Model (in Hebrew)
Conducting Remote Therapeutic Work with People with Disabilities
Design Research: Preliminary Ideas (in Hebrew)
Despite the Pandemic, Our Work Creating Opportunities for Israelis with Disabilities Continues
Disability Inclusion in Movies and Television: Market Research, 2019
Double Discrimination: being a mother with disabilities in Isreal
EAB White Paper including BRYT as key school mental health resource
Equals in Sport – Sports for People with Disabilities
Evaluation Procedures and Main Conclusions (in Hebrew)
Exposure: Nursing caregivers upload video on TikTok that ridicule the elderly and violate their privacy
Facts and Figures: People with Disabilities in Israel 2018 (in English)
Feature Story on BRYT school Mental Health during pandemic on WBUR
Financial Literacy in the Digital World (in Hebrew)
Friending: Model for Changing Attitudes Using a Variety of Techniques (in Hebrew)
Friends for Healthy Living
Go prove you are capable of being a mother even though you are disabled
Gov’t signs $6 million deal with private family foundation, JDC
hanging Attitudes about People with Disabilities (Friending)(in Hebrew)
HaPoel Katamon’s Remarkable Venture
Hazon Partnership and Marriage Preparation Program
Hearing Loss Guide
Hillel College Guide Magazine – Fall 2016
How to Behave during the Corona Pandemic: A Document in Simple Language (in Hebrew)
In Israel, a Love Story Brings Home Disabilities Plight
In Israel, we need leaps, not steps, towards disabilities inclusion
Inclusion and Jewish Unity
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities: Leadership of Persons with Disabilities
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities: Women in Disabilities
Inclusion training for all new professionals
Integration of Young Adults with Disabilities into Universal Young Adult Centers
Integration of Young Adults with Disabilities into Universal Young Adult Centers
Inter-Sectional Round Tables: Summary on the issue of government responsibility (in Hebrew)
Inter-Sectoral Round Tables: Round Table Summary
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Inventors devise wheelchair umbrella in Tikkun Olam event
iset Hernandez ’16 gives her sister a voice
Israel Unlimited 2017 Annual Report (in Hebrew)
Israeli public’s attitude towards disabled people improving – survey
JDC Launches New Partnership for Disabled Israelis With Ruderman Family Foundation and Government of Israel
JDC Programs for Global Disabled Offer Paths to Fuller Lives
JDC’s HOME: Lens on Israel, a New Photo Exhibit, Debuts in NYC
Jerusalem art school fosters design talent among students with disabilities
Jewish Belonging for Every Body: Weight Stigma & Mental Health
Jewish Unity and an Israel Issue we can all Get Behind
Lawyer Launches Special-Needs Partnership in Israel
Leading the Way, or Falling Behind? What the Data Tell Us About Disability Pay Equity and Opportunity in Boston and Other Top Metropolitan Areas
Lurie Institute for Disability Policy spotlights healthcare inequities for women with intellectual disabilities
Making Legal Services Accessible to People with Disabilities: Interim Findings (in Hebrew)
Making Shabbat More Accessible
Manual for an Accessible Hike: Enabling the Participation of a Pre-Military Academy Student with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Mapping of Solutions, Needs, and Obstacles Affecting the Mobility of People with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Mapping the Needs of People with Asperger Syndrome: Research Report (in Hebrew and English)
Massachusetts General Hospital Healthcare Inclusion Program for Developmental Disabilities
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing in the Workplace: Employees Entering the Workplace
Mentoring Program: Individual Mentoring for Young Adults with Disabilities
Mentoring Program: Individual Mentoring for Young Adults with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Merging My Judaism and Disability Advocacy
New JDC head brings a business approach to aiding needy Jews
New program aims to educate future leaders in disability care
NGOs provide assistance to people with disabilities during rocket fire
Nothing About Us Without Us: Ruderman Inclusion Summit 2017
Nothing About Us, Without Us: A Disability Rights Advocate Fights for Accessibility and Inclusion
Operations Kit (in Hebrew)
Opportunity Foundation as a philanthropic partnership that creates national change ; Concluding document(in English)
Opportunity Foundation as a philanthropic partnership that creates national change; Concluding document (in Hebrew)
Ozmot Empowerment project – Three stages of inclusion in the academic world for students with Intellectual Disability (ID)
Parents with Disabilities are Parents with Abilities
Peer Workshop for Healthy Lifestyle
Peer Workshop for Healthy Lifestyle
People with disabilities disproportionately hurt by coronavirus pandemic
Personal Budgeting (in Hebrew)
Personal Leadership Map
Podcast Shibolim (in Hebrew)
Prestigious Fellowship Announced By Beachwood Group
Program Evaluation (in Hebrew)
Proposed Act Jeopardizes Welfare of Children with Disabilities
Rights of Students with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
RSIP | Mussar and Mental Health: A Jewish Framework for Inclusion – Part 1
Ruderman Disability Inclusion Initiative
Ruderman Family Foundation, JDC, and Government of Israel Expand Disabilities Partnership
Ruderman Foundation and Joint form $6 million partnership to help those with special needs in Israel
Ruderman foundation, govt of Israel and JDC help special needs children in Israel
Ruderman Inclusion Ambassadors
Ruderman Lecture at Northeastern University
Ruderman Scholar Affect Change for Disability Community
Ruderman Scholars committed to improving the lives of people with disabilities
Ruderman Scholars Delve into Disability Challenges
Ruderman Scholarship in Jewish Studies
Ruderman White Paper Reveals: Students with Disabilities are Almost Twice as Likely to Be Victims of Cyberbullying
Scholars focus on the rights of people with disabilities
Scholars for Justice
Social guide (in Hebrew)
Student Mental Health and Spirituality: Insights from the Counselor-Chaplain Model
Students often struggle after a mental health crisis. Can this support system help?
Study: Police Officers and Firefighters Are More Likely to Die by Suicide than in Line of Duty
Supported Decision Making: Practical Aspects, and Optimal Protection, Oversight, and Support – A Survey (in Hebrew)
Supported housing offers alternative for disabled people to live with dignity
Taking a Leave of Absence: A Guide for Campus Leadership, Faculty, & Staff
Taking a Leave of Absence: A Guide for College Students
The “Accessibility Trustees” project for leading youth in Bat Yam has been launched
The Glass Stairs – a report promoting the status of women with disabilities
The Israel Accessibility Association held an accessibility happening in Zemer
The Israeli cause that US Jews can consistently rally around
The Knowledge Center of the Grain Program
The Opportunity Fund 2021 Conference Summary
The Purchasing Power of Working-Age Adults With Disabilities in Boston and Other Top Metropolitan Areas
The Ruderman White Paper on Authentic Representation in TV, 2018
The Ruderman White Paper on Fair Resource Allocation During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Ruderman White Paper Reveals: Ivy League Schools Fail Students with Mental Illness
The Sound of Silence; Program Evaluation (in Hebrew)
This is the Time to Lead with Mental Health and Equity in Mind
This Israeli town will be fully accessible to people with disabilities
This Jewish Student Struggled With Anxiety on Campus – So She Started a Nonprofit
Together In Harmony: A Celebration of the Resiliency of The Human Spirit
Too few Israelis with disabilities live in their own homes. Here’s how to change that.
U.S, Israeli Experts Gather to Advance Next-Gen Disability Services
U.S, Israeli Experts Gather to Advance Next-Gen Disability Services
Unquiet Minds in a Quiet Time: Insights on Mental Health, Resilience and Community
US, Israeli experts meet to advance disability services
Using Research to Change Disability Policy
Using Technology to Promote the Independence of People with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Visual Impairment Guide (in Hebrew)
Website: 10th Anniversary Video
What You Should Do If You Hear a Missile Warning Siren; Workbook in Clear Language (in Hebrew)
What You Should Do If You Hear a Missile Warning Siren; Workbook in Clear Language (in Hebrew)
Website: 10th Anniversary Video
Visual Impairment Guide (in Hebrew)
Using Technology to Promote the Independence of People with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Using Research to Change Disability Policy
US, Israeli experts meet to advance disability services
Unquiet Minds in a Quiet Time: Insights on Mental Health, Resilience and Community
U.S, Israeli Experts Gather to Advance Next-Gen Disability Services
U.S, Israeli Experts Gather to Advance Next-Gen Disability Services
Too few Israelis with disabilities live in their own homes. Here’s how to change that.
Together In Harmony: A Celebration of the Resiliency of The Human Spirit
This Jewish Student Struggled With Anxiety on Campus – So She Started a Nonprofit
This Israeli town will be fully accessible to people with disabilities
This is the Time to Lead with Mental Health and Equity in Mind
The Sound of Silence; Program Evaluation (in Hebrew)
The Ruderman White Paper Reveals: Ivy League Schools Fail Students with Mental Illness
The Ruderman White Paper on Fair Resource Allocation During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Ruderman White Paper on Authentic Representation in TV, 2018
The Purchasing Power of Working-Age Adults With Disabilities in Boston and Other Top Metropolitan Areas
The Opportunity Fund 2021 Conference Summary
The Knowledge Center of the Grain Program
The Israeli cause that US Jews can consistently rally around
The Israel Accessibility Association held an accessibility happening in Zemer
The Glass Stairs – a report promoting the status of women with disabilities
The “Accessibility Trustees” project for leading youth in Bat Yam has been launched
Taking a Leave of Absence: A Guide for College Students
Taking a Leave of Absence: A Guide for Campus Leadership, Faculty, & Staff
Supported housing offers alternative for disabled people to live with dignity
Supported Decision Making: Practical Aspects, and Optimal Protection, Oversight, and Support – A Survey (in Hebrew)
Study: Police Officers and Firefighters Are More Likely to Die by Suicide than in Line of Duty
Students often struggle after a mental health crisis. Can this support system help?
Student Mental Health and Spirituality: Insights from the Counselor-Chaplain Model
Social guide (in Hebrew)
Scholars for Justice
Scholars focus on the rights of people with disabilities
Ruderman White Paper Reveals: Students with Disabilities are Almost Twice as Likely to Be Victims of Cyberbullying
Ruderman Scholarship in Jewish Studies
Ruderman Scholars Delve into Disability Challenges
Ruderman Scholars committed to improving the lives of people with disabilities
Ruderman Scholar Affect Change for Disability Community
Ruderman Lecture at Northeastern University
Ruderman Inclusion Ambassadors
Ruderman foundation, govt of Israel and JDC help special needs children in Israel
Ruderman Foundation and Joint form $6 million partnership to help those with special needs in Israel
Ruderman Family Foundation, JDC, and Government of Israel Expand Disabilities Partnership
Ruderman Disability Inclusion Initiative
RSIP | Mussar and Mental Health: A Jewish Framework for Inclusion – Part 1
Rights of Students with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Proposed Act Jeopardizes Welfare of Children with Disabilities
Program Evaluation (in Hebrew)
Prestigious Fellowship Announced By Beachwood Group
Podcast Shibolim (in Hebrew)
Personal Leadership Map
Personal Budgeting (in Hebrew)
People with disabilities disproportionately hurt by coronavirus pandemic
Peer Workshop for Healthy Lifestyle
Peer Workshop for Healthy Lifestyle
Parents with Disabilities are Parents with Abilities
Ozmot Empowerment project – Three stages of inclusion in the academic world for students with Intellectual Disability (ID)
Opportunity Foundation as a philanthropic partnership that creates national change; Concluding document (in Hebrew)
Opportunity Foundation as a philanthropic partnership that creates national change ; Concluding document(in English)
Operations Kit (in Hebrew)
Nothing About Us, Without Us: A Disability Rights Advocate Fights for Accessibility and Inclusion
Nothing About Us Without Us: Ruderman Inclusion Summit 2017
NGOs provide assistance to people with disabilities during rocket fire
New program aims to educate future leaders in disability care
New JDC head brings a business approach to aiding needy Jews
Merging My Judaism and Disability Advocacy
Mentoring Program: Individual Mentoring for Young Adults with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Mentoring Program: Individual Mentoring for Young Adults with Disabilities
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing in the Workplace: Employees Entering the Workplace
Massachusetts General Hospital Healthcare Inclusion Program for Developmental Disabilities
Mapping the Needs of People with Asperger Syndrome: Research Report (in Hebrew and English)
Mapping of Solutions, Needs, and Obstacles Affecting the Mobility of People with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Manual for an Accessible Hike: Enabling the Participation of a Pre-Military Academy Student with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Making Shabbat More Accessible
Making Legal Services Accessible to People with Disabilities: Interim Findings (in Hebrew)
Lurie Institute for Disability Policy spotlights healthcare inequities for women with intellectual disabilities
Leading the Way, or Falling Behind? What the Data Tell Us About Disability Pay Equity and Opportunity in Boston and Other Top Metropolitan Areas
Lawyer Launches Special-Needs Partnership in Israel
Jewish Unity and an Israel Issue we can all Get Behind
Jewish Belonging for Every Body: Weight Stigma & Mental Health
Jerusalem art school fosters design talent among students with disabilities
JDC’s HOME: Lens on Israel, a New Photo Exhibit, Debuts in NYC
JDC Programs for Global Disabled Offer Paths to Fuller Lives
JDC Launches New Partnership for Disabled Israelis With Ruderman Family Foundation and Government of Israel
Israeli public’s attitude towards disabled people improving – survey
Israel Unlimited 2017 Annual Report (in Hebrew)
iset Hernandez ’16 gives her sister a voice
Inventors devise wheelchair umbrella in Tikkun Olam event
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Inter-Sectoral Round Tables: Round Table Summary
Inter-Sectional Round Tables: Summary on the issue of government responsibility (in Hebrew)
Integration of Young Adults with Disabilities into Universal Young Adult Centers
Integration of Young Adults with Disabilities into Universal Young Adult Centers
Inclusion training for all new professionals
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities: Women in Disabilities
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities: Leadership of Persons with Disabilities
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
Inclusion and Jewish Unity
In Israel, we need leaps, not steps, towards disabilities inclusion
In Israel, a Love Story Brings Home Disabilities Plight
How to Behave during the Corona Pandemic: A Document in Simple Language (in Hebrew)
Hillel College Guide Magazine – Fall 2016
Hearing Loss Guide
Hazon Partnership and Marriage Preparation Program
HaPoel Katamon’s Remarkable Venture
hanging Attitudes about People with Disabilities (Friending)(in Hebrew)
Gov’t signs $6 million deal with private family foundation, JDC
Go prove you are capable of being a mother even though you are disabled
Friends for Healthy Living
Friending: Model for Changing Attitudes Using a Variety of Techniques (in Hebrew)
Financial Literacy in the Digital World (in Hebrew)
Feature Story on BRYT school Mental Health during pandemic on WBUR
Facts and Figures: People with Disabilities in Israel 2018 (in English)
Exposure: Nursing caregivers upload video on TikTok that ridicule the elderly and violate their privacy
Evaluation Procedures and Main Conclusions (in Hebrew)
Equals in Sport – Sports for People with Disabilities
EAB White Paper including BRYT as key school mental health resource
Double Discrimination: being a mother with disabilities in Isreal
Disability Inclusion in Movies and Television: Market Research, 2019
Despite the Pandemic, Our Work Creating Opportunities for Israelis with Disabilities Continues
Design Research: Preliminary Ideas (in Hebrew)
Conducting Remote Therapeutic Work with People with Disabilities
Conclusions from the Municipal Model (in Hebrew)
Close to a million people of working age in Israel have disabilities, says JDC report
BRYT Notes: Changing school culture to support student mental health
Beyond February: the new urgency of disabilities awareness and inclusion
Bennett to expand inclusion of disabled in youth movements
Being a Student
Being a Student
Battling Disabilities Stigmas in Israel
Assessing Municipal Accessibility 2020 (in Hebrew)
Assessing Municipal Accessibility 2019 (in Hebrew)
Ask Big Questions
ASD Guide (in Hebrew)
Aging with Disabilities
Affordable Housing
Accessibility training at Gila School in Jerusalem
Accessable Travel Guide (in Hebrew)
A city accessible to all” in Shoham – the graduation project
5 Things not to Miss at the 2017 Ruderman Inclusion Summit
‘Tikkun Olam Makers’ turn technology into solutions for people with disabilities
Find what you need located
within our archives.
‘Tikkun Olam Makers’ turn technology into solutions for people with disabilities
5 Things not to Miss at the 2017 Ruderman Inclusion Summit
A city accessible to all” in Shoham – the graduation project
Accessable Travel Guide (in Hebrew)
Accessibility training at Gila School in Jerusalem
Affordable Housing
Aging with Disabilities
ASD Guide (in Hebrew)
Ask Big Questions
Assessing Municipal Accessibility 2019 (in Hebrew)
Assessing Municipal Accessibility 2020 (in Hebrew)
Battling Disabilities Stigmas in Israel
Being a Student
Being a Student
Bennett to expand inclusion of disabled in youth movements
Beyond February: the new urgency of disabilities awareness and inclusion
BRYT Notes: Changing school culture to support student mental health
Close to a million people of working age in Israel have disabilities, says JDC report
Conclusions from the Municipal Model (in Hebrew)
Conducting Remote Therapeutic Work with People with Disabilities
Design Research: Preliminary Ideas (in Hebrew)
Despite the Pandemic, Our Work Creating Opportunities for Israelis with Disabilities Continues
Disability Inclusion in Movies and Television: Market Research, 2019
Double Discrimination: being a mother with disabilities in Isreal
EAB White Paper including BRYT as key school mental health resource
Equals in Sport – Sports for People with Disabilities
Evaluation Procedures and Main Conclusions (in Hebrew)
Exposure: Nursing caregivers upload video on TikTok that ridicule the elderly and violate their privacy
Facts and Figures: People with Disabilities in Israel 2018 (in English)
Feature Story on BRYT school Mental Health during pandemic on WBUR
Financial Literacy in the Digital World (in Hebrew)
Friending: Model for Changing Attitudes Using a Variety of Techniques (in Hebrew)
Friends for Healthy Living
Go prove you are capable of being a mother even though you are disabled
Gov’t signs $6 million deal with private family foundation, JDC
hanging Attitudes about People with Disabilities (Friending)(in Hebrew)
HaPoel Katamon’s Remarkable Venture
Hazon Partnership and Marriage Preparation Program
Hearing Loss Guide
Hillel College Guide Magazine – Fall 2016
How to Behave during the Corona Pandemic: A Document in Simple Language (in Hebrew)
In Israel, a Love Story Brings Home Disabilities Plight
In Israel, we need leaps, not steps, towards disabilities inclusion
Inclusion and Jewish Unity
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities: Leadership of Persons with Disabilities
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities: Women in Disabilities
Inclusion training for all new professionals
Integration of Young Adults with Disabilities into Universal Young Adult Centers
Integration of Young Adults with Disabilities into Universal Young Adult Centers
Inter-Sectional Round Tables: Summary on the issue of government responsibility (in Hebrew)
Inter-Sectoral Round Tables: Round Table Summary
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Inventors devise wheelchair umbrella in Tikkun Olam event
iset Hernandez ’16 gives her sister a voice
Israel Unlimited 2017 Annual Report (in Hebrew)
Israeli public’s attitude towards disabled people improving – survey
JDC Launches New Partnership for Disabled Israelis With Ruderman Family Foundation and Government of Israel
JDC Programs for Global Disabled Offer Paths to Fuller Lives
JDC’s HOME: Lens on Israel, a New Photo Exhibit, Debuts in NYC
Jerusalem art school fosters design talent among students with disabilities
Jewish Belonging for Every Body: Weight Stigma & Mental Health
Jewish Unity and an Israel Issue we can all Get Behind
Lawyer Launches Special-Needs Partnership in Israel
Leading the Way, or Falling Behind? What the Data Tell Us About Disability Pay Equity and Opportunity in Boston and Other Top Metropolitan Areas
Lurie Institute for Disability Policy spotlights healthcare inequities for women with intellectual disabilities
Making Legal Services Accessible to People with Disabilities: Interim Findings (in Hebrew)
Making Shabbat More Accessible
Manual for an Accessible Hike: Enabling the Participation of a Pre-Military Academy Student with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Mapping of Solutions, Needs, and Obstacles Affecting the Mobility of People with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Mapping the Needs of People with Asperger Syndrome: Research Report (in Hebrew and English)
Massachusetts General Hospital Healthcare Inclusion Program for Developmental Disabilities
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing in the Workplace: Employees Entering the Workplace
Mentoring Program: Individual Mentoring for Young Adults with Disabilities
Mentoring Program: Individual Mentoring for Young Adults with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Merging My Judaism and Disability Advocacy
New JDC head brings a business approach to aiding needy Jews
New program aims to educate future leaders in disability care
NGOs provide assistance to people with disabilities during rocket fire
Nothing About Us Without Us: Ruderman Inclusion Summit 2017
Nothing About Us, Without Us: A Disability Rights Advocate Fights for Accessibility and Inclusion
Operations Kit (in Hebrew)
Opportunity Foundation as a philanthropic partnership that creates national change ; Concluding document(in English)
Opportunity Foundation as a philanthropic partnership that creates national change; Concluding document (in Hebrew)
Ozmot Empowerment project – Three stages of inclusion in the academic world for students with Intellectual Disability (ID)
Parents with Disabilities are Parents with Abilities
Peer Workshop for Healthy Lifestyle
Peer Workshop for Healthy Lifestyle
People with disabilities disproportionately hurt by coronavirus pandemic
Personal Budgeting (in Hebrew)
Personal Leadership Map
Podcast Shibolim (in Hebrew)
Prestigious Fellowship Announced By Beachwood Group
Program Evaluation (in Hebrew)
Proposed Act Jeopardizes Welfare of Children with Disabilities
Rights of Students with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
RSIP | Mussar and Mental Health: A Jewish Framework for Inclusion – Part 1
Ruderman Disability Inclusion Initiative
Ruderman Family Foundation, JDC, and Government of Israel Expand Disabilities Partnership
Ruderman Foundation and Joint form $6 million partnership to help those with special needs in Israel
Ruderman foundation, govt of Israel and JDC help special needs children in Israel
Ruderman Inclusion Ambassadors
Ruderman Lecture at Northeastern University
Ruderman Scholar Affect Change for Disability Community
Ruderman Scholars committed to improving the lives of people with disabilities
Ruderman Scholars Delve into Disability Challenges
Ruderman Scholarship in Jewish Studies
Ruderman White Paper Reveals: Students with Disabilities are Almost Twice as Likely to Be Victims of Cyberbullying
Scholars focus on the rights of people with disabilities
Scholars for Justice
Social guide (in Hebrew)
Student Mental Health and Spirituality: Insights from the Counselor-Chaplain Model
Students often struggle after a mental health crisis. Can this support system help?
Study: Police Officers and Firefighters Are More Likely to Die by Suicide than in Line of Duty
Supported Decision Making: Practical Aspects, and Optimal Protection, Oversight, and Support – A Survey (in Hebrew)
Supported housing offers alternative for disabled people to live with dignity
Taking a Leave of Absence: A Guide for Campus Leadership, Faculty, & Staff
Taking a Leave of Absence: A Guide for College Students
The “Accessibility Trustees” project for leading youth in Bat Yam has been launched
The Glass Stairs – a report promoting the status of women with disabilities
The Israel Accessibility Association held an accessibility happening in Zemer
The Israeli cause that US Jews can consistently rally around
The Knowledge Center of the Grain Program
The Opportunity Fund 2021 Conference Summary
The Purchasing Power of Working-Age Adults With Disabilities in Boston and Other Top Metropolitan Areas
The Ruderman White Paper on Authentic Representation in TV, 2018
The Ruderman White Paper on Fair Resource Allocation During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Ruderman White Paper Reveals: Ivy League Schools Fail Students with Mental Illness
The Sound of Silence; Program Evaluation (in Hebrew)
This is the Time to Lead with Mental Health and Equity in Mind
This Israeli town will be fully accessible to people with disabilities
This Jewish Student Struggled With Anxiety on Campus – So She Started a Nonprofit
Together In Harmony: A Celebration of the Resiliency of The Human Spirit
Too few Israelis with disabilities live in their own homes. Here’s how to change that.
U.S, Israeli Experts Gather to Advance Next-Gen Disability Services
U.S, Israeli Experts Gather to Advance Next-Gen Disability Services
Unquiet Minds in a Quiet Time: Insights on Mental Health, Resilience and Community
US, Israeli experts meet to advance disability services
Using Research to Change Disability Policy
Using Technology to Promote the Independence of People with Disabilities (in Hebrew)
Visual Impairment Guide (in Hebrew)
Website: 10th Anniversary Video
What You Should Do If You Hear a Missile Warning Siren; Workbook in Clear Language (in Hebrew)
Press Release